Here's why using email marketing will benefit your business
Don’t be scared to send out emails – they won’t hit the digital vortex of despair (aka the spam folder) if you use your database of new and old customers, prospects, and enquirers.
Why should you bother using emails as part of your marketing strategy?
- Emails often outperform the conversion rate of other media. While many different types of content are equally as crucial, in our experience, the conversion rate can often be over twice as high here.
- They help you to establish regular communication with your audience. If you provide (relevant) information or valuable insight, readers will thank you for it – and look for more.
- Like a shepherd tending a flock, emails drive traffic to your website – if you use a set of carefully integrated links.
- They don’t cost an arm and a leg. Just like a flashy campaign, sending an email also has the power to drive traffic. The difference is that emails are usually cheaper to send and provide a high ROI.
Treat emails like you’re having a genuine conversation with your customer. They are a great way to show that you are thinking about them – by offering some valuable content for free – without directly trying to sell. You’re saying: “hey, we see you there, and we think you might like this.”
Isn’t it nice to feel like someone’s thinking about you?
Here are our five tips for getting started:
- Use an attention-grabbing subject line to reel in your audience. People are more likely to click if they know something captivating or insightful awaits when they open.
- Make sure you have a prominent CTA. If someone’s reading your content – and they’re intrigued by what you can offer them – make sure they can see exactly where to click to learn more.
- Track your results. Knowing if people open your mail, click on any of your links, scroll to the end, or even unsubscribe can help inform how you iterate and improve next time.
- Think about the aesthetics. Thoughtful photography or well-designed images will support the feel of your email, add context, and make it feel fresh and exciting.
- Add an element of surprise. Maybe it’s a well-chosen GIF, a perfectly placed emoji, a random fun fact, a pithy quote, or a really cool reference. You can convey a sense of personality through little details, and this will make you stand out from your competitors.